2017 – Club Quiz in aid of the RNLI

The annual club quiz on Saturday 25th March in aid of the RNLI kicked off the start of the clubs 2017 season. 6 teams battled it out in a great contest.


Congratulations to the winners.. team name: ‘Neighbours’ – Paddy, Amanda, Sharon & Seamus with quiz-masters Stephen & Siobhan.

Spaceships_01_FullThere were several rounds with a good selection of questions ranging from.. “What was Mexico’s boarder length with  America?” A 4 answer multi-choice question! For those in the know the correct answer was 1,951 miles! 

Another multi-choice question was “What was the circumference of the moon?” If you are curious then the answer was 10,921 km.

Following with tradition, there were the usual and very challenging picture rounds, one of which was to identify ‘Famous Cats’ and the other ‘Famous spaceships” ……….Buck Rogers @ no 2, The Invaders at no 6 and Flight of the Navigator @ no 10 and cats’ No 15 Cheetara from ‘Thundercats’ were all to prove tricky, but were a deciding factor for the eventual winners Neighbours who’s knowledge of these 2 rounds ultimately gave them victory. They were run close by last years winners Fingal flyers who finished 2nd, so well played to them.

famous_cats_03_quizMonies raised for the RNLI including New years day, set a new record total of €600……Well done everyone.

rnli boat-bThanks once again to our resident quiz masters for the night Stephen & Siobhan Broaders

They have done a great job in recent years and will be handing over the quiz-master reigns to Paddy & Amanda who will be your quiz-masters for 2018.

Article by Patrick Wodhams


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